OBITUARY – Mrs. Mihaela-Aurora Buzatu, beloved wife of Sir Constantin Buzatu, passed away

(1960 - 2024)

Dear Dames and Knights,

the Magisterial House of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) sadly announces the decease of Mrs. Mihaela-Aurora Buzatu, beloved wife of Sir Constantin Buzatu - Special Envoy of the Prime Minister to Romania.


Mrs. Michaela-Aurora Buzatu was a lovely and remarkable person, wife and mother of two boys, loved by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Her beautiful Rose Plantation, the 24,5 hectares Eutopia Gardens, one of the largest of Europe later turned into a Foundation, will remain and bloom as a living memory of this remarkable woman, wife of Sir Constantin.

The Grand Master and Head of the State of the KMFAP shares the grief of the family and in His name and on behalf of all the Knights and Dames of the Federation presents the most sincere and heartfelt condolences.

 Requiescat in Pace! 

15th April 2024